Wednesday, 19 April 2023

British Women's Classic Team at Bench Worlds - Preview

On the women's side, we have a largely new crew heading out to South Africa but there are some familiar faces too.

We have two sub-juniors making the long journey south to Sun City.  Violet Clarke-Waller and Kayleigh Grimble are both relatively new to the sport but both are in with a shout for a medal.  They are joined by Yasmin Burt in the juniors.  She's done a few more competitions than the sub-junior lifters but she hasn't been around much longer.  Still, she brought a bench gold back from the Commonwealth last year and broke the British junior bench record recently with a huge 93kg in the 63kg class.  It's a tough field but she has a good chance of a podium place.

In the open category, Sheina Kaye is competing in her third back to back World Bench.  She's been climbing the rankings steadily and finished just off the podium last year in fourth.  She has a mountain to climb to match that this year - she's nominated in 8th but the three lifters ahead are only 2.5kg clear so there is potential to move up.

Suki Moss and Debbie Bell are both in the 63kg class and both doing their first international and Nicola Edkins in the 76s is in the same boat.  Your first one is always nerve wracking but it's such a great experience.  Remember to enjoy it!

Charlotte MacPherson in the 69s is at her first worlds but she did bring back a bench gold from the Commonwealth Championships so hopefully she can leverage her 4th place nomination here.

Amy McCarthy and Lucy Robinson, both in the 84kg class, are also at their first Worlds, as is Victoria Cavalier-Hirth in the supers.  Victoria has struggled a little with the new bench rules this so hopefully she can adapt her technique for this competition.  There are some legendary benchers ahead of her in class but a good performance could put her within reach of the podium so we will have our fingers crossed for her.

The masters really bump up the team numbers here with fifteen members.  Special mention to Rebecca Coggle in the M1s and Lincoln Rose and Karen McKendry in the M2s who are all nominated in first place.

Go get 'em ladies!


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