Sunday, 19 March 2023

76s turn up the heat at the British Classic

Sophia Ellis was undoubtedly the favourite going into the British Classic.  Current European Champion, she holds the British records in bench, deadlift and total and also has the European deadlift record at an incredible 240.5kg.

A core member of  Team PushPull, Sophia was never going to be fighting at the front on squats and indeed it was Emily Bennett who led the way from the off.  185kg looked easy and 192.5kg didn't look too different.  Susanna Argile moved briefly into the lead with a slow and heavy looking 192.5kg for her third and it looked like her British squat record at 200kg was in some peril.  However, Emily chose 195kg for her final squat.  This seemed like an odd choice - did she miss getting her attempt in in time or was she just making sure of keeping the lead?  195 moved really well and she smiled at the top so it looked like everything was right on plan.

Meanwhile Sophia was duking it out for the notional squat bronze with Sheri Miles.  Sheri is the current British Equipped Champion in this class, having won best lifter as well at the British Equipped last month - full respect to those that compete in both disciplines.  Sheri hit a PB squat with a really nice 172.5 but Sophia was looking strong and focused and moved 175kg with intent, taking a 5kg PB into bench.

Susanna jumped into the lead with a strong opening bench of 105kg.  Sophia's 107.5kg moved her from 4th up to second in one go and the landscape of the competition started to shift.  Susie's 110kg started to look close to the limit and indeed 112.5kg for her third did not go.  This opened the door for Sophia who closed even further with a comfortable looking 120kg.

Meanwhile, Sheri was putting pressure on Emily, only 5kg behind at sub-total and it looked too close to call for podium places.

Susanna out first for 180kg to maintain second place.  Emily moved ahead of Sheri with 190kg but Sheri took it straight back with a fast 205kg.  Sophia was out last, looking calm and relaxed, dancing as she waited to be called to the bar. 225kg moved like an opener should and Sophia Ellis catapulted nearly 40kg ahead of the rest of the pack and pretty much secured her 3rd open British title

A three way fight was developing for the rest of the podium places though.  Susanna kept putting the kilos on - 192.5kg kept her in second and looked like she might have a little in reserve.  Emily moved up to third place with a solid 200kg but Sheri took it straight back again with a gutsy 220kg pull, putting her only 2.5kg behind Susanna, with Emily a bare 5kg behind.  Sophia, now free to run her own race, took 237.5kg for her second, breaking her own British total record with 532.5kg.  

Into the sharp end of the competition and Susie Argile, trying to keep hold of the silver medal, took a well judged 195kg for her third, putting her 5kg ahead of Sheri at a heavier bodyweight.  Emily chose not to put a wild attempt on to try for the podium.  Instead she took 205kg - which turned out to be absolutely on the money and gave her a creditable 492.5kg total and 4th place.

This freed up Sheri to go after the silver medal and she loaded up 4 red plates.  Unfortunately this did not get past her knees and she had to settle for bronze but what an incredible performance to make the podium at the Classic as well as the Equipped within a brief few weeks of each other.

Last lift of the day and here comes Sophia Ellis.  Already British Champion, already having broken the British total record - why not add 5kg and smash the deadlift record too?  It took a moment to break the floor but its path was smooth and went all the way to the top.  A brilliant finish to a superb nine for nine performance.

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